vocabulary lessons

~ noah on "busy"

his brothers were playing with their v-tech v-motion while noah and i watched.

noah:  bus-sy. (as in "bus")

me:  that says biz-zy.

noah:  but it looks like bus-sy.

me:  i know, but you say it biz-zy.

noah:  then why does it look like bus-sy?

me:  i don't know.

~ jonah on "won"
we were all reading a book together.

me:  so who won the race?

jonah:  mistress mouse winned the race.

me:  yes, mistress mouse won the race.

jonah.  it's winned!

me:  actually, you say won.  did mistress mouse win the race?  yes, she won the race.

jonah:  it's winned!!

~ elijah on "bertram"

we were playing with their thomas and friends trains, and elijah was looking at the name of one of them.
elijah:  what does this say?  bert-ram.  (like the animal "ram")

me:  that says ber-trum.

elijah:  but it doesn't have an h.  it says bert-ram.

me:  i know it doesn't have an h, but it's pronounced ber-trum.

elijah:  it doesn't have an h.  it says bert-ram, i said.

can you say, "are you smarter than a preschooler?"  my boys certainly don't think i am.  ... okay then, guys, you winned!